Elm Creek Elementary Home




ECE inspires a community of successful leaders through innovation and empowerment. 


Establish an inclusive environment that supports individualized student success. 


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Order Your Yearbook Now!

Online yearbook sales are happening now! (Paper orders will be available in March, but we highly recommend ordering online instead so students do not have to bring cash to school.) Please visit the link below to order:
Maroon background; teal books; Elm Creek logo

Elm Creek Library is OPEN Monday- Thursday Mornings!

The Elm Creek Library is open Monday-Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:00! Come read with your children and check out books. To complete a library card application, visit the library or complete this online form. See you soon!


blue and black text on white background

Order Your Yearbook Now!

Online yearbook sales are happening now! (Paper orders will be available in March, but we highly recommend ordering online instead so students do not have to bring cash to school.) Please visit the link below to order:
Maroon background; teal books; Elm Creek logo

Elm Creek Library is OPEN Monday- Thursday Mornings!

The Elm Creek Library is open Monday-Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:00! Come read with your children and check out books. To complete a library card application, visit the library or complete this online form. See you soon!


About Us

Students landform exhibit

Second Grade Visits the Witte Museum

January 10th was chilly, but that didn’t stop our second graders from having a great time on their visit to the Witte Museum. The Witte never disappoints…there’s always so much learning that happens in unexpected ways!
boy in paid shirt holding radish

PreK Gardeners Learn about Vegetables

The PreK garden continues to be a great place for exploration. Recently, students and teachers harvested radishes from the garden. The big question: did the kids LIKE eating the radishes?!
3 boys and a girl choosing prizes from a box

Grades 1-5 Working to Reach Accelerated Reader Goals

Elm Creek’s Accelerated Reader (AR) program is again underway. Students in grades 1-5 have reading goals they strive to achieve. As they reach pieces of their goals, they earn fun prizes. The last Friday of the month is Prize Day, so right before Christmas we congratulated students on the efforts they made towards their goals! We encourage reading at home to help students reach their goals and beyond!
group photo of students at PAC

Third Graders Visit PAC

Our third graders had the chance to visit Palo Alto College! We are thankful students have opportunities such as this to tour college campuses and begin thinking about what post-graduation life might look like!